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9 dec 20202 minuten om te lezen
Super beu
Man, man, man, ik ben het beu zeg. ⠀ ⠀ Zo ineens. Ken je dat, dat je lekker aan het eten bent en ineens zoiets hebt van ‘Oeps, ik heb...
26 nov 20202 minuten om te lezen
Verdeling van levenstaken
Lieve lezer,⠀ ⠀ Eerder schreef ik over de schadelijkheid van minachting. Maar wat als je de geminachte bent? Als iemand één mondhoek...
13 nov 20202 minuten om te lezen
De 5-secondenregel
Lieve lezer, â € Nu de dagen wat korter worden en mijn relatie met mijn pyjamabroek mogelijk wat te hecht, doe ik hard mijn best om op tijd...
9 nov 20202 minuten om te lezen
The unnecessary apocalypse
What if you could prevent a break-up just by changing your language? Well, it seems like you can. Dr. Gottman, professor emeritus of the ...
26 aug 20204 minuten om te lezen
It's not the critic who counts
I’ve been wanting to write this article for a while. What stopped me was my own doubt about who I was to lecture people about this topic...
1 aug 20194 minuten om te lezen
(What) are the Yellow Vests protesting?
‘What happened to the Yellow Vests movement?’ I’m having coffee with a friend and we both squint our eyes trying to dig up memories of ...
25 jul 20193 minuten om te lezen
Who are you trying to convince?
When I was about 5 years old, I really wanted to join a dance class. I remember very vividly how my mum took me to this dance recital to ...
12 jul 20192 minuten om te lezen
What's going on in Prague?
On my way to the airport, I quickly check the news to see if anything new and interesting was going on before making my way to the city ...
8 jul 20195 minuten om te lezen
My conversation with... Fouad el Ouazizi
Hij komt binnenlopen met een grote grijns op zijn gezicht. ‘Sorry dat ik wat later ben, buitenlanders hè!’, lacht hij. Fouad is een ...
26 mrt 20192 minuten om te lezen
Who disagreed with you today?
There’s a story about a man – let’s call him Sid – who was raised in a wonderfully safe, harmonious and luxurious environment. I imagine ...
29 dec 20183 minuten om te lezen
Stop caring about everything and start caring about something
Imagine going home for Christmas and, to relief your family from all the cooking, you decide to cook them your favorite dish. You know ...
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